ARCHITECT & PARTNERJoan Cortés began his professional career in 2009, after graduating from UPC Barcelona.
During his stay at Sweden, he further developed his studies of experimental architecture and design. He also formed part of the Pole Europe 2K’6 Landscape and Urbanity program at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
He has collaborated with professional firms such as BOMA (structures consultants), Mora-Sanvisens Arquitectes and EC Compta Arquitectes, where he acquired complete knowledge of the development of preliminary and final projects, urbanism, and design.
ARCHITECT & PARTNERRubén Férez began his professional career in 2010, after graduating from UPC Barcelona.
During his stay abroad at Rome, he further developed his expertise in Architecture History and in Restoration and Rehabilitation techniques.
He has collaborated with professional firms such as GVR Arquitectes and EC Compta Arquitectes, where he acquired complete knowledge of architecture, urbanism and design projects, as well as competitions for public buildings and urban planning.
Pedro Dezcallar / Pol Monjo / Sara Serrano / Pau García / Carlos Menacho
Francesc Gorgas / Dimark Estructures
IME Projects / NUUstudio / ARA Enginyeria
Oriol Gómez / Delriobani / Yago Partal / Marcela Grassi
Andrew Rance / Gustavo Cela / Anfibio Arquitectos
Nook Architects was founded by Joan G Cortés, Rubén F Berenguer and Ana García